Thursday, September 4, 2014

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made

Find Your Rhythm and  Dance to the beat of your heart.

You wake up every day determined to get something done , to pursue that which pleasures you and/or to find your pot of Gold. You get caught up in the rat race , doing what you have to do (Hustling) in order to push beyond your limiting circumstances. You worry about this and that , anxiety about your expectation shoots up and "die high high di keepha matla". In the process, infecting yourself with premature aging because of all the stress piling up. You try by all means to keep up with your peers , colleagues and acquaintances  to stay in the same level on the social ladder or keep up the societal status . Eventually you find yourself in the murk of Low self-esteem , because you are living somebody else's expectation of your life unsuccessfully.

Selah ! Pause and think for a moment ....Is it all worth it ? Why are you doing it ?

I once learned a motivating life lesson from a Sepedi (North Sotho) Idiom/expression " Bophelo a bona mo hloga pele" .Translated it would be " life has no’ .....Eish this one is hard to do a direct translation for, so I will try and explain it.

It basically means the turning wheel of life is so unpredictable . Just because someone got the finish line before you,  it doesn't mean you cannot  make it yourself.

To add on to this , you should remember that , because we are all individually and uniquely formed , We cannot , I repeat ....We cannot all have the same destinies, or the same purpose in life. We have our own uniquely designed path to walk  and so ,you cannot walk somebody else’s path. You will only exhaust yourself , trying to keep up and push through. To find your own rhythm …Ask yourself –WHO AM I , AND WHAT AM I HERE TO DO? The answer is within.
So As you rise tomorrow , to face a new day …Wake up to your own destiny . Wake up to your beat and Dance to your rhythm. Don’t be scared , Its all good in the Hood . God Has your back. Trust that his plan for your life is unique , bright  and perfect.

Run your own race , in your own lane . Find your rhythm and Dance to the beat of your heart. That way you will wake with determination and go to bed with satidfaction.

Signed -Sealed & Delivered

The Gospel of Nolo Matlaila